Monday, January 12, 2015

As the EQE approaches – don’t cram, take it easy

As the EQE approaches, there is no point in cramming, doing more and more past papers and trying to learn the Case Law or the Guidelines. The more you cram during the last few weeks the more likely it is that you will freak out during the exam, a victim of overload. It’s important to realise that cramming is wholly counter-productive to your preparations for qualification as a European Patent Attorney.

Instead, take it easy during the last few weeks before the exam, review what you have done and consolidate your previous work.

The series of YouTube tutorials “Approaching the EQE” represent some excellent revision materials you can use as the EQE approaches. They should help you to place into perspective all your previous exam preparations.

You can access these tutorials on YouTube by keying in “EQE approach”. They are:

·      1st Approach Serving the Client
·      2nd Approach Working Method
·      3rd Approach Legal Thinking
·      4th Approach Presenting Arguments
·      5th Approach Substantive Law
·      6th Approach Time Management

The first four are already published and the last two will be published soon. I hope you enjoy these tutorials and wish you a relaxed time before the EQE.

Brian Cronin

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