Sunday, November 9, 2014

Basic Legal Situations EQE pre-exam

I am pleased to inform you of the publication on YouTube of a tutorial entitled “Basic Legal Situations EQE pre-exam”. You can access it by keying in “Basic Legal Situations”.

In this tutorial, the legal questions of the 2014 EQE pre-exam are taken as illustrations of legal situations that are governed by legal provisions identified in the examiners report. Trainees are encouraged to practice situation-centric learning, which is in line with EQE preparations as well as Patent Attorney practice-based learning.

This tutorial will be of interest mainly to candidates preparing for the pre-exam and those who have passed the pre-exam and are starting preparations for the EQE D paper.

Following this will be a series of tutorials covering six complementary approaches to the EQE.  Keep on the lookout for these.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and wish you well in your preparations for the EQE.

Brian Cronin

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