Saturday, December 24, 2016

Book Review: Drafting & Amendment of European Patents, author Brian Cronin, review by Paul Rosenich

This book review by Paul Rosenich is found at page 41 of epiinformation-2016-04.

Go to epiinformation-2016-04, with this link, go to "Read Issue 04" and download a pdf of the issue by clicking on the "pdf in a cloud" logo. Then browse to page 41.

You can purchase the two volumes from using this link and if necessary key in "patent drafting". You should purchase the two volumes separately and they will be sent together.

Best regards

Brian Cronin

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Non-specialist Papers A and B of the EQE

From 2017, the drafting Paper A and the reply Paper B will be non-specialist papers for all candidates, replacing the former specialised electrical-mechanical and chemistry papers.
This change was dictated by the need to reduce the substantial cost of running the EQE, and met with much criticism (in my opinion largely unjustified) from many European Patent Attorneys.
The exam committees have issued mock Papers A and B with prototype examiners reports and the European Patent Academy has published a video in question and answer style which aims to answer any questions candidates may have about the new format.
Candidates are of course faced with accommodating to the new exam format and in this spirit I have prepared a YouTube presentation which aims to complement the official Q&A version.
Overall, I am convinced that candidates wishing to pass will need to pay great attention to the client’s instructions for the specific invention as this will influence the proper claim scope and, for Paper A, will dictate the need for one or more independent claims.
You can access the presentation by going to YouTube and keying in “EQE non-specialist”. There is a minor hiccup on slide 10 (repeated part) : just keep going!
Brian Cronin