Sunday, March 13, 2016

Waiting for the EQE results?

Waiting for the EQE results and the examiners reports?

In my opinion you should not worry how your answers compare with those of other bloggers. It’s best to forget about this year’s exam and pick it up when the results come in.

Meantime, continue working on papers you didn’t already sit and do some steady work on areas where you know you are in need of improvement.

If you’ve taken the pre-exam, the result will come in soon and, pass or fail, you should review your answers and correct where necessary, then in case of success, resume work in earnest on the main papers.

The moral is: don’t have an idle summer and start work until after you’ve discovered that you failed some papers. Keep working over the summer period so you continue to progress.

The tutorials “Approaching the EQE” and those on specific papers are ideal for continued learning. You can access the following tutorials on YouTube by keying in “EQE Cronin” :

Approaching the EQE :
EQE Pre-exam :
1st Approach Serving the Client
Legal Basics
2nd Approach Working Method
Claim Analysis 2014
3rd Approach Legal Thinking
Claim Analysis 2015
4th Approach Presenting Arguments

5th Approach Substantive Law

EQE Drafting Paper A 2014 :
EQE Reply Paper B 2013 :
Part 1 - Assimilation of information
Part 1 - Assimilation of information
Part 2 – Planning
Part 2 - Planning
Part 3 - The End Product
Part 3 - The End Product

EQE Opposition Paper C 2015 :
EQE Legal Opinion Paper DII 2015 :
Part 1 - Assimilation and Organisation of Information
Part 1 - Assimilating and Organising Information
Part 2 - Planning
Part 2 - Legal Consequences and Planning
Part 3 - The End Product
Part 3 - The Legal Opinion

I hope you will find these tutorials useful for your ongoing preparations and wish you a relaxed summer.

Brian Cronin