Sunday, December 20, 2015

Opposition – Paper C of the EQE

I am pleased to inform you about the publication of a tutorial entitled “Opposition – Paper C of the EQE" in three separate video slideshows  You can access them on YouTube by keying in “Opposition EQE” or you can access all tutorials in the series by keying in « EQE Cronin ».

The tutorial covers drafting a statement of opposition to a fictional European patent  based on the invention of a sports article (a snowboard) with improved damping, that was the subject of the 2015 Paper C. It is presented in three parts : Part 1 – Assimilating and Organising Information; Part 2 – Planning; and Part 3 – Final Product and Comments.

This tutorial will be of interest to candidates preparing for Paper C the EQE. The 2015 paper was difficult to finish in time with a complete answer. Careful analysis of this paper - for example with this tutorial - will be good practice for tackling any C paper.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and wish you well in your preparations for the EQE.

Brian Cronin


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Reply - Paper B of the EQE

I am pleased to inform you about the publication of a tutorial entitled “Reply – Paper B of the EQE" in three separate video slideshows  You can access them on YouTube by keying in “Reply EQE”.

The tutorial covers a reply to an EPO communication based on the invention of a closure for a beverage container that was the subject of the 2013 Paper B electrical-mechanical. It is presented in three parts : Part 1 – Assimilating Information; Part 2 – Organisation and Planning; and Part 3 – Final Product and comments.

This tutorial will be of interest to candidates preparing for Paper B the EQE. The beverage container closure invention is accessible to everyone and is good practice for chemists. Note that from 2017 there will be a single EQE B paper with the same subject matter for all candidates.

This Paper B tutorial will be followed by tutorials on the other papers of the EQE.  Keep on the lookout for the follow-up.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and wish you well in your preparations for the EQE.

Brian Cronin

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Patent Claim Analysis 2015 EQE pre-exam

I am pleased to inform you that a tutorial entitled « Patent Claim Analysis 2015 EQE pre-exam » has been published on YouTube.You can access it by keying in “EQE Analysis 2015”.

In this tutorial, we examine the patent claim analysis questions of the 2015 EQE pre-exam with reference to the explanations given in the examiners report. It will be of interest to candidates preparing for the 2016 EQE pre-exam or as a revision of the 2015 pre-exam in preparation for the main papers of the EQE.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and wish you well in your preparations for the EQE.

Brian Cronin


Monday, March 23, 2015

Drafting – Paper A of the EQE

I am pleased to inform you of the publication of a tutorial entitled “Drafting – Paper A of the EQE" in three separate video slideshows  You can access them on YouTube by keying in “Drafting EQE”.

The tutorial is based on the nutcracker example of the 2014 Paper A and is presented in three parts : Part 1 – Assimilating Information; Part 2 – Organisation and Planning; and Part 3 – Final Product and comments.

This tutorial will be of interest to candidates preparing for the drafting paper A the EQE. The nutcracker invention is accessible to everyone and is good practice for chemists. This Paper A tutorial will be followed by tutorials on the other papers of the EQE.  Keep on the lookout for the follow-up.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and wish you well in your preparations for the EQE.

Brian Cronin


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Approaching the EQE – 6th Approach : Time Management

I am pleased to inform you of the publication on YouTube of a tutorial entitled “EQE 6th Approach – Time Management”. You can access it by keying in “EQE Approach”.

In this tutorial, we cover : investing preparation time ; achieving more per unit time ; not losing time through errors ; avoiding the superfluous and distributing efforts effectively during the exam.

This tutorial will be of interest to all candidates preparing for one or more papers of the EQE. It is the final tutorial of a series covering six complementary approaches to the EQE.  It will be followed-up by tutorials on the individual papers of the EQE.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and wish you well in your preparations for the EQE.

Brian Cronin