Sunday, December 21, 2014

Approaching the EQE - 3rd Approach : Legal Thinking

I am pleased to inform you of the publication on YouTube of a tutorial entitled “EQE 3rd Approach – Legal Thinking”. You can access it by keying in “EQE Approach”.

In this tutorial, we examine the paradigm: fact – legal provision – legal consequence. This leads to the development of fact-driven legal-consequence-oriented thinking of Patent Attorneys who are constantly faced with achieving or avoiding legal consequences for the benefit of their clients.

This tutorial will be of interest to all candidates preparing for one or more papers of the EQE. It is the third of a series of tutorials covering six complementary approaches to the EQE.  Keep on the lookout for the follow-up.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and wish you well in your preparations for the EQE.

Brian Cronin

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Approaching the EQE, 2nd Approach : Working Method

I am pleased to inform you of the publication on YouTube of a tutorial entitled “EQE 2nd Approach – Working Method”. You can access it by keying in “EQE Approach”.

In this tutorial, we examine the three essential steps for processing all EQE papers: read; plan; write, in detail : purposive assimilation as a function of what you need to complete your plan ; organisation of the assimilated facts and planning as a function of legal consequences; and delivering the end product.

This tutorial will be of interest to all candidates preparing for one or more papers of the EQE. It is the second of a series of tutorials covering six complementary approaches to the EQE.  Keep on the lookout for the follow-up.

I hope you enjoy the tutorial and wish you well in your preparations for the EQE.

Brian Cronin