Monday, July 22, 2013

Good news for EQE paper C sitters

The pass rate for the 2013 EQE Opposition paper C was 43.6%. A further 11.8% obtained a marginal fail that can be compensated. In comparison, the 2112 opposition paper’s pass rate was 33.1%.

The increased pass rate does not seem to reflect better preparation by the candidates, but could be the combined effect of a number of factors : shorter paper, less documents, less claims, less attacks, all leading to less stress so more candidates could manage the statement of opposition in the given time.

We can hope that the examining committees will take due note, and maintain a paper of the same « density » next year.

The message for new and repeating candidates for paper C is clear : the opposition paper has been reduced to manageable size and there are less opportunities to go wrong. It follows that you have a better chance that your preparations will be rewarded by success

Brian Cronin