Thursday, November 8, 2012

Next Available Dates

The next available dates for the upcoming Patskills courses are.

Opposition 14-15 December 2012
Legal 11-12 January 2013.

Details are available on

New candidates and resitters are welcome. Please would you bring this to the attention of any trainees who may be interested.

Thank you

Brian Cronin

Friday, October 5, 2012

Cancellation of Patskills A-B Course

I regret to announce that the Patskills A-B course scheduled for 8-9-10 November 2012 has been cancelled due to a lack of participants.

Brian Cronin

Friday, September 14, 2012

Upcoming Patskills EQE courses

We would welcome some more participants for the upcoming Patskills EQE courses.The dates are:

A - Drafting : 8-9 November 2012
B - Reply to EPO : 10 November 2012
C - Opposition : 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2012
D - Legal : 11-12 January 2013

Details are available on

New candidates and resitters are welcome. Please would you bring this to the attention of any trainees who may be interested.

Thank you

Brian Cronin

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

EQE 2012 Examiners reports

The examiners reports are now available in English on the EPO website (compendium) along with the exam papers. The specimen answers of successful candidates have not yet been published.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Comprehensive analysis of the EQE

I am pleased to inform you about the publication of my book EQE Comprehensive which is a revised edition of ABC/D Comprehensive that has been updated taking into account the ongoing changes in the EQE and the introduction of a pre-exam.
EQE Comprehensive provides a thorough analysis of the European Qualifying Exam for European Patent Attorney candidates preparing for the exam. It clearly sets out what is expected of candidates in the exam and how to coordinate exam preparations with everyday work.
The book is available from the printer at, as is its companion book Drafting & Amendment of European Patents.  For both, the search word is “patskills”.
Please pass on this information to any trainees.

Best regards
Brian  Cronin

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dates for the next Patskills courses

I am pleased to inform you that dates and details of the next Patskills Training for Qualification as European Patent Attorney courses are now available on 

The dates are:
A - Drafting : 8-9 November 2012
B - Reply to EPO : 10 November 2012
C - Opposition : 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2012
C - Opposition overflow : 14-15 December 2012
D - Legal : 11-12 January 2013

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Enrollment for the EQE pre-exam 2013

Complete applications to enroll for the 2013 EQE pre-exam must be received by the Examination Secretariat no later than 11 June 2012.
If you are interested in sitting the 2013 pre-exam but haven't yet enrolled, hurry or you'll have to wait another year. Likewise for any of your trainees.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Two weeks ago I attended the annual meeting of CEIPI tutors. The announcement of the very high pass rate in the EQE pre-exam caused some surprise. There was a 99% pass rate with 72% of candidates achieving a mark of 80-100/100.

Does this mean that the exam was too easy and failed to achieve its declared objective of filtering out unprepared candidates,? Or does it mean that well-prepared candidates can achieve a high pass rate if confronted with questions that are set at a realistic level?
In any event, the pre-exam had a subsidiary objective of improving the quality of results in the main EQE by encouraging candidates to begin their exam preparations earlier. In my opinion, it is very likely that this subsidiary objective will be reached. To what extent, we should find out in the next couple of years.